Weekend Update

A few things to comment for the weekend:
This week, in the same day, I said something was as ‘goofy as a left-handed join’. (if you don’t get that reference you may be on the wrong site) I also commented “Yo Dre, I got something to say”
I quoted Ice Cube and a SQL command in the same day.   It was THAT kind of day.
In the coming weeks, I will have a lot of things to say about BI and big data ‘tools. ‘ What does data mining look like? SHOULD it be easy?
I am thinking about the update to Replenishment 101 (201?) Where to go from simple? Complex!
Also, want to explore the pre/in/post season analytics: Living in 3 seasons at the same time.
Last, soon I want to look into size/color analysis: Best practice? Timing? Whats the best time to dig in the dirt to find the answwer?

“Somewhere squatteth the toad of truth.  ”

Stay tuned!

-THAT Planning Guy

PS- for my #datanerds:
FROM tablename1 LEFT JOIN tablename2
ON columnname1 = columnname2
WHERE condition

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