Amazing show again. Saw a lot of new tech, enhancements of some existing. And a lot of old friends.
First HUGE congrats to my MI9 friends on your JustEnough acquisition. I was shocked. Great merger. Awesome synergies.
With Aptos scooping up TXT, JE being brought into MI9, that just leaves AntUsa as the only real independent “planning” . (Jury out on Anaplan, and Logility is really a logistic/supply chain co)
And— AntUsa’s latest offering looked outstanding. Planning Robot. Nice touch to the UI.
Revionics meetings were fruitful I hope. Microsoft meetings showed a great deal of vision for the future.
And the Incisiv events are always a room full of innovators. And booze. Oh the booze.
A few fun discussions to follow up on, and few followup meetings after the current project is finished and the stage is set for an EPIC 2018. Just have to survive the giant ice storm coming to Biloxi tomorrow.
In 2018, I will remain,
– That Planning Guy