Great Service

What makes for great service?  Yesterday I ranted about Starbucks… Today I went to my usual Starbucks and did my usual mobile order.   When I arrived,  one of the ladies saw me,  walked over and handed me my coffee  (with a green stopper thing !) “Here you go Steve”.  Super friendly smile and all.  And the coffee was exactly as I ordered,  of course. Mobile ordering is a godsend.
If that happened every day,  I would consider that GREAT service.
Is Good service,  delivered consistently,  the same as Great service?  I believe so. 
When we ‘deliver’ a report (flash for a manager,  sales by item for a stock host to replenish a floor,  WOS with orders needed already calculated to a buyer,  etc. ) and it comes as expected,  on time,  and accurate,  is that great service? 
If you miss a day,  or the service level drops for a day ( report server failure,  or no one made my coffee! )  the exception makes for bad service. 
So the reverse must be true. 
Be great,  but be great EVERY DAY.

-THAT Planning Guy

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